prof. dr Ben Kröse
Research Manager (Professor)
e-mail: b.krose@hippertx.nl
- Playful Data-driven Active Urban Living (PAUL)
- Vitamine
- EyeBeacons: Wayfinding in Public Spaces
- Simba
- Smart agents for empowerment
- Co-Care-IT
- Hipper
- Smart Play Sets
- Smart Systems for Smart Services
- Sense in the city
- Kijk! Een gezonde Wijk
- Virtual Worlds for Well-being
- Internet of Touch
- Care4Balance
- Sensei: Sensor Based Engagement for Improved Health
- Health-lab
- CitySDK
- Balance-IT
- Beyond Glass
Playfulness and New Technologies in Hand Therapy for Children With Cerebral Palsy: Scoping Review
(2023 )Tamara Veronica Pinos Cisneros, Annette Brons, Ben Kröse, Ben Schouten & Geke LuddenJMIR Serious Games 11 download
Translating Promoting Factors and Behavior Change Principles Into a Blended and Technology-Supported Intervention to Stimulate Physical Activity in Children With Asthma (Foxfit): Design Study
(2022 )Annette Brons, Katja Braam, Aline Broekema, Annieck Timmerman, Karel Millenaar, Raoul Engelbert, Ben Kröse & Bart VisserJournal of Medical Internet Research Formative Research 6(7) download
Assessing children’s fine motor skills with sensor-augmented toys: Machine Learning approach
(2021 )Annette Brons, Antoine de Schipper, Svetlana Mironcika, Huub Toussaint, Ben Schouten, Sander Bakkes & Ben KröseJournal of Medical Internet Research 23(4) download
The design and development of a personalized leisure time physical activity application based on behavior change theories, end-user perceptions, and principles from empirical data mining
(2021 )Karlijn Sporrel, Rémi de Boer, Shihan Wang, Nicky Nibbeling, Monique Simons, Marije Deutekom, Dick Ettema, Paula Castro, Victor Zuniga Dourado & Ben KröseDigital Public Health 8 download
Effects of a blended home-based exercise program and dietary protein intervention on physical performance in community-dwelling older adults: a cluster randomized controlled trial
(2020 )Jantine van den Helder, Sumit Mehra, Carliene van Dronkelaar, Gerben ter Riet, Michael Tieland, Bart Visser, Ben Kröse, Raoul Engelbert, Peter WeijsJournal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 11(6) download
Aging and physical activity: A qualitative study of basic psychological needs and motivation in a blended home-based exercise program for older adults
(2020 )Sumit Mehra, Jantine van den Helder, Ben Kröse, Raoul Engelbert, Peter Weijs & Bart VisserBetsy Ng & Gloria Ho (Eds)
The design and development of a personalized physical activity application based on behavior change principles, incorporating the views of end-users and applying empirical data-mining
(2020 )Karlijn Sporrel, Rémi de Boer, Shihan Wang, Nicky Nibbeling, Monique Simons, Marije Deutekom, Dick Ettema, Paula Castro, Victor Dourado & Ben Kröse
Evaluation of a blended physical activity intervention for older adults: Mixed methods study
(2020 )Sumit Mehra, Jantine van den Helder, Bart Visser, Raoul Engelbert, Peter Weijs & Ben KroseJournal of Medical Internet Research 22(7) download
Beweegtool Foxfit voor kinderen met astma
(2019 )Annette Brons, Katja Braam, Aline Broekema, Annieck, Ricken - Timmerman, Bart Visser, Karel Millenaar, Raoul Engelbert & Ben KröseInspiratie 29(1) download
Promoting factors for physical activity in children with asthma explored through concept mapping
(2019 )Annette Brons, Katja Braam, Annieck Timmerman, Aline Broekema, Bart Visser, Bart van Ewijk, Suzanne Terheggen - Lagro, Niels Rutjes, Hellen van Leersum, Raoul Engelbert, Ben Krose, Mai Chinapaw & Teatske AltenburgInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(22) download
Supporting older adults in exercising with a tablet: A usability study
(2019 )Sumit Mehra, Bart Visser, Nazli Cila, Jantine van den Helder, Raoul Engelbert, Peter Weijs & Ben KröseJMIR Human Factors 6(1) download
How is the caregiver doing? Capturing caregivers’ experiences with a reflective toolkit (presentation slides)
(2019 )Lilian Bosch, Marije Kanis, Julia Dunn, Kearsley Stewart & Ben KrösePresented at CHI 2019 4th Symposium on Computing and Mental Health: Designing Ethical eMental Health Services, JMIR Mental Health download
Effectiveness of sensor monitoring in a rehabilitation program for older patients after hip fracture: the SO-HIP three-arm stepped wedge randomized trial
(2019 )Margriet Pol, Gerben ter Riet, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Ben Kröse & Bianca BuurmanAge and Ageing download
Everyday life after a hip fracture: What community-living older adults perceive as most beneficial for their recovery
(2019 )Margriet Pol, Sebastiaan Peek, Fenna van Nes, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Bianca Buurman & Ben KröseAge and Ageing 2019, Volume 48, Issue 3 download
A data-driven study on preferred situations for running
(2018 )Shihan Wang, Joris Alexander Timmer, Simon Scheider, Karlijn Sporrel, Zeynep Akata, Ben Kröse download
Deep learning to predict falls in older adults based on daily-life trunk accelerometry
(2018 )Nait Aicha, A., Englebienne, G., van Schooten, K. S., Pijnappels, M., & Kröse, B.Sensors , 18(5)
Translating behavior change principles into a blended exercise intervention for older adults: design study
(2018 )Sumit Mehra, Bart Visser, T. Dadema, J. van den Helder, Raoul Engelbert, Peter Weijs, & Ben KröseJMIR research protocols, 7(5)
Smart toys design opportunities for measuring children's fine motor skills development
(2018 )Svetlana Mironcika, Antoine de Schipper, Annette Brons, Huub Toussaint, Ben Kröse & Ben SchoutenProceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction download
SO-HIP studie Sensoren bij de revalidatie na een heupfractuur
(2018 )Margriet Pol, Ben Kröse & Bianca BuurmanGeriatriedagen 2018
FIT decision aid: Matching the needs of people with dementia and caregivers with products and services
(2017 )Nazli Cila, Hester van Zuthem, Fleur Thomése, Wilma Otten, Franka Meiland & Ben KröseIFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Better wayfinding for visually impaired people: Integrating haptic feedback via a smartwatch
(2017 )Joey Van der Bie, Christina Jaschinski, Timon Van Hasselt, Jan Koopman, Somaya Ben Allouch & Ben KrösePaper presented at Vision 2017 download
Hoe gaat het met mij? Gezondheidsgegevens via smartphones, sensoren en social media
(2013 )Ben KröseDe informatiemaatschappij van 2023, G.J. van Bussel (Ed) download
How lonely is your grandma? Detecting the visits to assisted living elderly from wireless sensor network data
(2013 )Ahmed Nait Aicha, Gwenn Englebienne & Ben KröseAdjunct proceedings of UbiComp '13 download
Longitudinal residential ambient monitoring: Correlating sensor data to functional health status
(2013 )Saskia Robben & Ben KroseProceedings of Pervasive Health'13 download
Living Labs as educational tool for ambient intelligence
(2012 )Ben Krose, Mettina Veenstra, Saskia Robben & Marije KanisProceedings of AmI'12 download