Rémi de Boer
Docent / Onderzoeker Software Engineering
e-mail: r.d.d.de.boer@hva.nl
The design and development of a personalized leisure time physical activity application based on behavior change theories, end-user perceptions, and principles from empirical data mining
(2021 )Karlijn Sporrel, Rémi de Boer, Shihan Wang, Nicky Nibbeling, Monique Simons, Marije Deutekom, Dick Ettema, Paula Castro, Victor Zuniga Dourado & Ben KröseDigital Public Health 8 download
The design and development of a personalized physical activity application based on behavior change principles, incorporating the views of end-users and applying empirical data-mining
(2020 )Karlijn Sporrel, Rémi de Boer, Shihan Wang, Nicky Nibbeling, Monique Simons, Marije Deutekom, Dick Ettema, Paula Castro, Victor Dourado & Ben Kröse