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Digital Life congratulates CMD graduates!


The month of July was an exciting time in which students of the 'Communication & Multimedia Design' (CMD) education department of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences still managed to come up with beautiful and interesting projects -despite distant education and the corona pandemic. Digital Life was involved in several results.

Graduation projects

For example, Dr Marije Kanis supervised various CMD students during their graduation: from a smart digital solution to help fruit and vegetable growers with their watering strategy (Growficient | Info, Marissa Verdonck - Cum Laude), to an interactive narrative QR experience to inform residents more positively involved in hotel tourism (Sweets hotel, Eva Knapper). Elisa Timmerman made a digital decision aid for products from Omring, a care organization for the elderly.

Research during pandemic

The pandemic and additional measures made it more difficult for students to conduct design and user research with their target group. We have tried to address this problem with the Digital Life research projects Co-Well and now Co-Prodigy with different and new creative methods. All in all, Elisa Timmerman succeeded in conducting extensive research with the elderly on location, which has been positively translated into the resulting product and the user-oriented design.

Connecting with current affairs

The pandemic itself was also a source of inspiration, such as with Dusanka Prvulovic's 'Time Capsule' project for the Archive Museum. She designed an interactive pop-up installation -including a website- that illustrates and archives life during the pandemic in a new way.

On behalf of Digital Life we ​​congratulate these and all CMD graduates with their final results!