Living well with osteoarthritis study

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The results of the health measurement are presented in the health monitor of the GGD in Amsterdam. The monitor shows that osteoarthritis is the most common condition. Osteoarthritis, especially in the knee and hip joint, causes limitations in daily functioning. The combination of osteoarthritis and a decrease in functioning in daily life among Amsterdammers requires further investigation. People with osteoarthritis tend to do less and are less active than the “healthy” elderly population. The main recommended conservative treatment option is to promote self-management. Self-management interventions can consist of acquiring specific skills, health information and self-monitoring.

At the moment, there are no Dutch online self-management programs that specifically target people with osteoarthritis. There are exercise programs such as Join2move and E-exercise that are useful, effective and attractive. These are online programs in which patients are guided to perform weekly exercise assignments. However, what we have learned from these studies is that people with osteoarthritis mainly need information and support aimed at self-management. The question is how professionals and creative digital tools can best help with this.

In this preliminary research, we conduct a needs assessment for the development of an online self-management joint program. This must yield a technical and substantive exploration and protocol with a package of requirements and wishes.